The Hunt for the Fishing Lisence

We finally found a little shop to sell them to us... though it would be in vain... not a fish was to be caught. It's hard to do though, especially when the only place you have to fish at is the crowded and congested highways, and camping sites not too far out of the way. If you really want to catch fish, you have to make your way into the country... which thanks to the rising population is slowly disappearing, along with habitat for wildlife. I'm all for the freedom of Americans to do what they want, however in this case putting a big red sign on your state inviting lots of people there by allowing them to do something illegal in most other states is not necessarily the best course of action. It's kinda one of those all or nothing instances. that way there is no flood to anywhere, and there is no big splash, because in this case that splash is inadvertently harming the environment, and so much more....


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