The City of Music

Nashville was an experience. Never have I seen so many bars in such a tiny space, and it really gives you a window into the ingenuity, creativity, and innate drive to better our drinking experience. In most places in downtown Nashville old buildings still stand, renovated and reused, most retained as bars, and many with live music. On a good day a short stroll down the street would give a person more experience with country music and booze than I think possible anywhere else. One of the best examples of all of this is that if you ever enter a bar in downtown Nashville, there will most likely be a live band playing, and if you search around this bar there will most likely be a free roof access, with another bar on the roof, and at this point there will most likely be another rooftop bar above a street top bar, both with live music, right next door. Unfortunately for the bands that play there, they make near to nothing. Artists do not come to play in Nashville for the money, they come to get noticed and must play their heart out for pennies to do so. Fortunately for the rest of us, this means more music, specifically country, than you’ll find anywhere else. Probably in the world.


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